
Hey, i put some new shoes on and suddenly everything is right

28. Oktober 2012


Last week, I showed you my brand new parka. He (I still should give him a name!) now is my warmest friend in this cold and windy days. It was such a great choice to buy him. After posting my first English blogpost, I decided to create a „what I bought at least“-column. So here we go: I will show you what I ordered online or in stores with high-quality outfit-photos taken by my roommate toko.
Like the blog-title shows, this post is about my brand new shoes. And it’s a huge premiere for me! I bought black low-chucks on amazon last week. Okay you might say that hundreds of people do this every day and they hoard tons of them in their closets. But I am totally different: I HATED CHUCKS! I always loved and bought Vans or Keds sneakers, because at the age of 16 they weren’t not that mainstream. All my friends in school walked around in their chucks, in every color you can imagine. Blue, red or green, low and high, with fur inside for the winter or pimped with neon shoelaces. My classmates made me hate the converse brand – they looked so equal. They couldn’t understand me but it was my opinion and this never changed – until now! Like I said, last week I lost my chucks-virginity. There was a special offer online and I just paid 20 euros for a new pair of black chucks in my size. Oh, and my pair was the last one – believe me: no woman could resist! 
When the new species arrived at my home, I was very critical with them. They looked wrong on my vans-spoiled foot and I thought that my foot look bigger with them. But this was bullshit. I totally changed my opinion! Now, I walk with them every day. On Friday, there was an event called „German Soap Awards“ in Berlin and I was invited to hang out with our german TV-stars. Evenig dress was a duty, so I bought new high heels fot that night. My cutest decision was to take my converse sneakers in my handbag. The high heels hurt so much after a couple of hours and the chucks really rescued me. Now I feel like paolo nutini, walking along happily ever after with my new friends!
And next week, I will show you my outfit for the „German Soap Awards“ – Primark sponsored me a very sparkling dress (thank you so much!)


  • Reply Lady-Pa 28. Oktober 2012 at 9:19

    ich würde mir gerne weisse lederchucks holen 🙂 aber ich weiss nicht, ob es sich lohnt für diese schuhe soviel geld auszugeben, schließlich gibt es solche schuhe in dem gleichen stil für weniger geld 😀

    ich z.b. habe viele solcher schuhe vom new yorker gekauft, habe 5 Paar und ich finde sie sogar für die qualität sehr gut



  • Reply Anonym 28. Oktober 2012 at 12:14

    ihr auch noch in english? ach nee..

  • Reply Josephine 28. Oktober 2012 at 18:16

    nach allem, ich mag auch deine englischen Posts. Ich wollte früher immer Chucks, aber meiner Mutti waren sie zu teuer, sodass ich immer mit billige No-name Imitaten zur schule musste. Aber nach allem hatte ich auch die lieb. Chucks gehen immer irgendwie.

  • Reply Jana 28. Oktober 2012 at 18:48

    Hi Eileen, thanks for your comment 🙂
    Actually I have no idea anymore what my first choice was 😀 But I think it was the "Flakon Bordeaux" 😉 Unfortunately it took 3 weeks for it to arrive, because the company had some supply difficulties :/
    I hope you'll receive your perfume soon and I'm really curoius about your opinion on it 🙂
    Lots of love <3

  • Reply Scarlett 28. Oktober 2012 at 21:20

    Sie sehen wirklich toll aus. Ich überlege mir schon länger ob ich mir nicht ein paar Converse holen soll, weil ich die wirklich toll finde. Aber die werden dann wohl doch eher im Frühling bei mir zu Hause einziehen (:

  • Reply LittleThingCalledLove 29. Oktober 2012 at 7:53

    Looks great! I always wanted to buy me some Converse, but I didn't know if they would match to my style. Maybe you can tell me what to wear to a concert, maybe an outfit without high heels, but still fancy? And if it's possible, not too expensive 🙂 <3

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